Dear Identity Theory Readers,
This week’s new stuff is really, really good. Lad Tobin has an excellent essay about his iPhone being taken over by Ghost Touch: “Gogol’s Nose and the Ghost in My Machine,” and Lauren Davis has a beautifully written short story about a massively multiplayer online role playing game: “The Moon in MMORPG.” There’s also, of course, an Ampydoo cartoon.
5 New Books by Identity Theory Contributors
It’s always a thrill when our little literary family puts new babies out into the world, so I wanted to call your attention to these five new books by Identity Theory contributors.
Data Baby: My Life in a Psychological Experiment by Susannah Breslin (Legacy Lit, November 2023)
The Engineers by Katy Lederer (Saturnalia Books, October 2023)
Better to Beg by Kirsti Mackenzie (Tough Bastard Books, December 2023)
Culdesac by Mike Nagel (Autofocus Books, January 2024)
Home Movies by Michael Wheaton (BUNNY, February 2024)
We’re hoping to have interviews with some/all of these writers for you to read early this year, but for now, order these books!
New Micro Section Coming Soon
We’re putting together submission guidelines for a new area of the site dedicated to micro that we’re hoping to launch later this month or early next month. But you can submit your micro fiction and CNF through normal channels now if you want a head start.
Paying the Bills
For aesthetic and idealistic reasons, we aren’t charging for submissions or plastering ads on the site right now, so our only source of revenue to cover web hosting and other publishing expenses is reader tips. It would be so great if you could pledge a few bucks a month or make a small one-time donation. I will match your donations by going without avocado toast and fancy lattes, which everyone knows is the one true path to prosperity.
Have Yourself a Merry Little Weekend,
Matt Borondy
Guy Who Wrote This Email
Identity Theory